martes, 15 de mayo de 2012



· Explore in detail how the poet memorably conveys delight in nature in Amends (by Adrienne Rich).

The author uses images of the nature that delight her. The first stanza:

Nights like this: on the cold apple-bough

a white star, then another

exploding out of the bark;                                   

on the ground ,moonlight picking at small stones.

She uses words that show her surprise or admiration for the nature, for example -picking up small stones -rises with the surf -laying its cheek for moments on the sand. That makes the stanza more descriptive.  Also uses words to create the atmosphere, such as “cold”. And the progression from the sky to the trees and then, finally reaching the ground.

 In the second stanza, she uses personification for the moon. It represents the female power. It also uses words such as licks, flows and flicks, which show delightful movements.

She chooses images that impact a lot on you, making you remember every detail that she describes.

Is not strange that Adriane mention the moon as the female power in the poem, knowing that she was an active feminist.

In the third stanza describing nightly beauty and also trying to release the disturbing and conflictive thoughts in people’s minds over the night.

in the fourth stanza, the authos writes “dwells uponthe eyelids of sleeper´s” to attempt to wash away the troubles of the day, wishes for the people to be at ease.

The moonlight feels as though during the night it has to give peace to humans and creatures alike. It feels sorry that humans have a negative energy throughout the day and hopes to help by making positive energy.

Lucrecia Magi,Gonzalo Anido,Tomás Mendez Díaz y Bárbara Geoghegan

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